My happy place.
Dale North is a music composer for video games, based in San Diego, California. As a multi-instrumentalist (piano, vocal, brass, winds), performer, and singer-songwriter with an international training, he brings a unique voice to video game music.
Dale's music mixes traditional instrumentation with vintage colors, blending live pianos and orchestral tones with the synthesizers and sound sets that shaped the sounds of games from the Super Nintendo and PlayStation eras. His upbringing in Tokyo, Japan helped shape his melodic sense and his love of synthesizers, and he continues to hold the traditions of game music in the highest regard.
Dale is best known for his work on the soundtracks for Wizard of Legend, Astral Ascent, Dreamscaper, Sparklite, River City Girls, and his branding work with with Nintendo (Nintendo Minute, Nintendo Power Podcast, Nintendo eShop "The Download"), Marvel, Tokyo Game Show, Sega, Qualcomm, and Engadget.
Dale looks forward to working on projects that favor creativity and seek to honor game music's rich heritage.
He also really, really likes Welsh Corgis.
“I also want to acknowledge the game’s marvellous soundtrack. It simultaneously manages to capture the feeling of each moment perfectly. It ensures that anything from deadly encounters to narrative moments feel as impactful or as cheerful as they need to. From the relaxing melodies of The Garden to the grand orchestral compositions of the zodiac duels, each track is sublime. Knowing I got to listen to these songs again made having to go back to the beginning a joy. The music in Astral Ascent is an absolute standout and makes the entire experience a masterpiece.” — Game Crater — Astral Ascent
“…this is all matched by a soundtrack that feels like a cross between something you’d hear in a Studio Ghibli film and an Etrian Odyssey title.. There’s a kind of whimsical serenity explored in the music here, contributing to the sense of awe as you navigate stages and keeping the tension in fights relatively grounded.” — Nintendo Life — Astral Ascent
”The ever-prolific North has proven, time and again, that he’s got unbound creativity for soundtrack work. Out of the three (!) releases that bear his name this year, however, Helvetii is definitely the most interesting, a game about ancient Gaul mythology that includes his signature style, built upon orchestral JRPG traditions. The collaboration with singer Emi Evans, who has a renowned soundtracking trajectory of her own (you’ve heard her in NieR and Dark Souls, just to begin with), enhances the album with dramatic flair, and her experimentation with the extinct Gaulish language seems to be matched by North’s compositions in a new, exciting direction. … This gives North’s classical-romantic approach to melody a welcome quality of propulsive urgency that makes the grand orchestral gestures of this score shine brighter – and sound more daring – than ever. — A Closer Listen — Helvetii
“If it wasn’t before already, it’s blatantly clear with Dreamscaper that North is a master of the dramatic melody in the cinematic, classical romantic tradition. What’s new here is the introduction of raw, expressionist electronics, granting the music a sharp edge of unexpected intensity even when themes repeat. The enchanting melodies now carry a certain harsh weight, and that makes Dreamscaper a heavy hitter you’ll want to keep on repeat.” — Press A — Dreamscaper
“Ultimately, the Dreamscaper Original Soundtrack is a gem. I know that statement is a hoary old cliché, but the analogy feels particularly apt here. It is just a beautiful little thing, contemplative, wistful, and hopeful in turn. It is a more focused mood piece than your average RPG soundtrack, scattered throughout with moments of striking beauty. It makes me want to spend a quiet morning on my porch and count my blessings or call up an old friend and offer some words of encouragement, and that is a rare thing in any medium.” — RPGFan — Dreamscaper
”During my time with the game, I was constantly pausing the action to listen to the mix of relaxing and exciting themes that underscored my adventure. The music heavily reminded me of games such as Animal Crossing or Super Mario 64 in how they were able to bring out the warmth and charm of Sparklite while also motivating me to progress further in the game.” — Game Informer — Sparklite
”Special applause must be given to Dale North for an ethereal soundtrack that perfectly compliments the spirit of the game, brings impact to boss fights, and along with artwork elevates this to a contender for the most stylish Zelda-like.” — The Digital Fix — Sparklite
"The soundtrack is S-T-U-N-N-I-N-G. This isn’t your average indie game OST, and a lot of praise needs to go to this title’s composer. The magical, whimsical music transports players to games of yesteryear, and nostalgia is immediately felt." -- Retronuke -- Wizard of Legend
"...an absolutely sweeping and enthralling score." -- Bonus Stage -- Wizard of Legend
"...the tale itself certainly wouldn’t have been half as impressive as it is now without North’s splendid musical work." -- Twinfinite -- Wizard of Legend
"Wizard of Legend's soundtrack is superb, too. It's one of those indie games where if I saw the soundtrack for sale somewhere, I would totally buy it. The orchestral score is epic and makes the gameplay so much more visceral as you battle the hordes of dastardly foes." -- Video Chums -- Wizard of Legend
"...music in this game is wonderful. I haven't heard a great retro-style soundtrack like this in quite awhile." -- OperationRainfall -- Dragon Fantasy Book II
"Dale North and Hiroki Kikuta knocked it out of the park with the soundtrack..." -- SteamShovelers -- Toricky
"...a great soundtrack that feels perfectly at home in the 16-bit world..." -- PocketGamer -- Dragon Fantasy Book II
"...sounds like a pristine late 90's classic soundtrack." -- Higher Plain Music -- Dragon Fantasy Book II
"North has found a way to evoke a sense of nostalgia...while still maintaining a style of his very own." -- OriginalSoundVersion -- Dragon Fantasy Book II
"...the music is well done and always fits the mood." -- The Escapist -- Dragon Fantasy Book II
"...superb variety...suitably sweeping for an RPG..." -- Critical Gamer -- Dragon Fantasy Book II
Interviews & News
Wizard of Legend’s Soundtrack Has Been Casting a Spell on Roguelike Fans for Over Two Years — SPIN
発売から2カ月で50万本を売り上げた『Wizard of Legend』の開発チームが明かす、妥協のない調整の連続 -- IGN Japan
Checking the Score: Interview with Majula Frontier Composer Dale North — Hardcore Gamer
Wizard of Legend Hits 500,000 Copies Sold -- IGN
"Checking the Score: Interview with Wizard of Legend Composer Dale North" -- Hardcore Gamer
"Wizard of Legend's Spellbinding Soundtrack Transports Players to a Cosmic World" -- Twinfinite
"What Goes Into Making a Video Game Soundtrack? An Interview Wizard of Legend Composer Dale North" -- Twinfinite
"Why Video Game Music (Still) Matters" -- Crixeo
"Dale North's Dragon Fantasy Book II on Top Score" -- Classical MPR
"An Interview with Globe-trotting Composer Dale North" -- Pixelitis
"Hot salsa Tetris" -- Salon
"Hiroki Kikuta and Dale North Team Up on Toricky Soundtrack" -- Develop
"Sinmara Saga is an animated short directed by Jason Hendrich" -- Kotaku
"Copies of Dale North's Dragon Fantasy Book II..." -- Critical Gamer